Oscar Winning Rental: Coppola’s Louvre Apartment:

From The Cool Hunter Travel: Francis Ford Coppola is a highly awarded filmmaker, winemaker, and bon vivant. Because I’ve seen him in San Francisco and have recorded commercials in his studios, I feel like I know him. So I’d love to rent his Left Bank apartment, which he’s now making available to guests.

Cool Hunting quotes Coppola: “Paris is the most beautiful city in the world, the epitome of civilisation. I live a life of bohemian, carefree, intellectual pursuit there – hanging out and writing in cafés, eating great food and drinking great wine.”

His two-bedroom apartment is on Quai des Grands Augustins. It’s staffed year-round, and it features views of the Louvre. “It’s so comfortable and perfectly located we felt it a pity to leave it empty so many months of the year,” he says. Coppola visits about five times a year, and his family often convenes there, most recently in April when Sofia, his daughter, was in Paris shooting her newest film, “Marie-Antoinette.”

Located in the Latin Quarter, it is decorated with furniture from the flea market at Clignancourt, art from his LA home, rugs from Istanbul and “many hundreds of books”. Via Luxury Travel

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One Comment

  1. Ricardo Abdahllah says:

    Hi I am France correspondant for the Latin american Edition of Rolling Stone magazine (www.rollingstonela.com) and other magazines like Gatopardo (www.gatopardo.com) y
    El Malpensante (www.elmalpensante.com) , I have just found in your site a picture of Francis Ford Coppola’s apartament in Paris and I was wondering if you could help me with a phone number or e mail adress where I can contact him or his agent in order to schedulle an interview.

    I would apreciate any information.

    my phone number is 33_ 6_98454260

    Best Regards

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