Tina Sparkles: Handbag Heaven, Hanoi

If you are like me and love your handbags, then you’ll have a ball in Hanoi. In amongst the fake label bags and the bags of dodgy quality, there are some beautiful bags made of silk and shell. If you are looking for unique bags with a sense of theatre and don’t mind paying a bit extra, then the place to shop is Tina Sparkles, 17 Nha Tho Street, the Hanoi home of Ipa-nima bags.

Christina Lu is the designer of these incredible bright and colourful bags as well as a range of clothes, shoes and jewellery. I confess I was in the shop this morning and found myself lusting after some stunning bags and purses made of acrylic strips in pink, black and grey. And then there were the beaded bags in blood red…….

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One Comment

  1. I went here once. Most of the bags are not of my style (i’m quite sporty) but I can say that they are so beautiful. I bought one for my teacher. She likes it very much.

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