The Eco-Conscious Breeze in Belize: Leonardo DiCaprio

There are two Barrier Reefs in the world and I’ve dived both of them. Everyone knows the Great one in Australia. Not everyone knows its smaller brother in Belize. But it’s one of the reasons that Leonardo DiCaprio has reportedly purchased a 104-acre island off Belize’s coast that he plans to develop as a luxury resort for eco-conscious travelers like you and me.

Leo created a foundation to foster conservative awareness so the Belize purchase would be a logical move. It cost him about $1.75 million to buy Blackadore Caye. His broker from Emerald Futures said, “It’s a beautiful, pristine” island that’s about 2.2 mile long and up to 630 feet wide.

Belize, formerly known as British Honduras, is a developing country. Many people know it for scuba diving, snorkeling, deep sea fishing, jaguars, a world-class zoo, and Maya ruins. Many American companies like McDonald’s now raise beef there. I spent a week there on a liveaboard dive boat exploring the barrier reef and its undersea critters. Find out more:

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