Rotten Apples?: Prices Slashed on iPod Nanos & Shuffles

It’s happened to me many times. I buy the latest computer, printer, PDA or cell phone. A day, week or month later, it’s replaced through planned obsolescence with a newer model that’s faster, smaller, and/or cheaper.
Now, Apple Computer has followed that trend — again — to better compete with low-end competitors by introducing a newer iPod Nano for $149. It stores up to 240 songs and is the same size as the 2-GB, 500-song Nano that sells for $199. Apple also slashed the toll on its iPod Shuffles from $99 to $69 for the 512-MG model and from $149 to $99 on its 1-GB model. Read more.
By the way, if you haven’t seen the “Saturday Night Live” spoof on the iPod Pequeno and Invisa, watch it here: just scroll down to view the video clip.