Mush! Human Dogs & Grocery Sleds: 12th Annual Urban Iditarod Race, SF
On the same day that the real race kicks off in Alaska to brave 1,150 miles of icy trails, San Franciscans hold their 12th Annual Urban Iditarod version.
Show up at noon. Mush at 1. Last year, it drew more than 600 human “dogs” to pull the grocery cart sleds — four dogs per cart. This year, they expect over 1,000 people.
The course will probably start South of Market, go up Powell Street, across Union Square, up Stockton, through Fisherman’s Wharf, down Beach Street, up the hill, and end south of Fort Mason. Barking is so encouraged. It’s like the Bay to Breakers but not as long and with more barking. Mush!!