Fashionable Fall Leaves: Aspen Cocktail Classic, CO

Over the years, I’ve skied at some of Colorado’s most fashionable resorts –– Vail, Bear Creek, Breckenridge and Copper Mountain. But I’ve always longed to visit this state in the Fall when the dazzling leaves are reportedly the best in the West. If you go now, you’ll enjoy falling prices, too, as the resorts are tempting visitors during their slow season between Summer and Winter. Besides nature’s light show, imbibers can also enjoy the fourth annual Aspen Cocktail Classic on Thursday, September 29 at the Sky Hotel and 39 Degrees. Here, Aspen’s finest MIX-ologists from local cafes, restauraunts, and bars will compete to create the “Official Drink of Aspen.”

According to its Web site, the Cocktail Classic is the place to see, be seen, MIX & MINGLE. After three successful years, the Classic is becoming home at the swanky Sky Hotel & 39 Degrees. Previous winners include the “Aspen Face Shot” by Susan Munchen of The Mother Lode Restaurant, the “Aspen Sugar Daddy” by Ben Sands of Range Restaurant, and last year’s winner the “Aspen Dream” by Adam Malmgren of the Cantina Restaurant. This year’s competition promises to be even more dazzling, with mixologists from all over the region vying for the top prize and the title of ultimate cocktail innovator. Attendees are encouraged to dress to impress, as the event is as much about the style as it is about the spirits—don’t be surprised to spot someone accessorizing their outfit with mama’s new Gaia Designs bag. With excitement building, the countdown to the most glamorous mixology showdown of the year has officially begun.

Drop by from 6:30 – 9 p.m. to vote for your favorite.
A $20 entry fee enables you to taste the newest, freshest and yummiest cocktails.
Read more: Aspen Cocktail Classic.

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