Want Some Macadamia Nuts..It’ll Cost You


Do you love to munch delicious and healthy nuts frequently? Then try these…the Macadamia nut. Supposedly, the most expensive nut in the world, this Macadamia nut is a delight in its own. This is not only healthy but is equally scrumptious.

The macadamia tree is the mother of this pricey nut and the tree starts producing the nuts only after the tree celebrate its 7th to 10th birthday. Macadamia tree needs a fertile land to grow and requires heavy rainfall side-by-side. Therefore, its no t that easy to grow the macadamia tree just anywhere, you need to give it the proper atmosphere.

Well!! The taste of the nut is worth the price. Although these nuts have a very hard seed but once you break it, it reveals a delicious creamy white kernel that has up to 80 percent oil and about 4 percent of sugar of sugar in it. These nuts flashes a whopping price tag, each kilogram will cost you more than $30.

Via: wackyarchives.com

One Response to Want Some Macadamia Nuts..It’ll Cost You

  1. Pecola Coleman says:

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