Vote for America’s Top Arts Destinations
The elections may be over, but you still have a chance to vote! American Style Magazine, an upscale arts lifestyle publication, is giving art lovers the opportunity to vote for their favorite arts destinations. The magazine is selecting the Top 25 Arts Destinations in a readers’ poll.
Last year, New York City won top honors for the third consecutive year as the nation’s top arts destination in the Big Cities category (pictured above is the Guggenheim Museum during one of my visits to the Big Apple). Buffalo, New York captured #1 in the Mid-Sized Cities category and Santa Fe, New Mexico grabbed the top honors in the Small Cities and Towns category.
To vote, go to or use the paper ballot that will be in the February 2007 issue of the magazine, on newsstands in late December.
The results and profiles of the highest ranking cities will be featured in the June 2007 issue of AmericanStyle, on newsstands in late April.