Something Good Good in Baden Baden: Brenner’s Park-Hotel Spa

If you’re lucky enough to have scored a ticket to the World Cup in Germany, you may need a place to unwind and relieve the stress of rooting for your favorite team.

One of the world’s most exclusive spas resides as the uber posh Brenner’s Park-Hotel. In fact, it’s often called the “Spa of Spas”.

Why? If offers “enjoyment and moderation in nutrition, exercise that’s a pleasure, mental relaxation and a host of beauty treatments to pamper you from head to toe.” Try the world’s only Kanebo Harmonizing and Care Treatment or – if you’re brave enough –– the “body torture massage.” Just hope they don’t rub you the wrong way.

A: Schillerstraße 4-6, 76530 Baden-Baden
T: +49 0 7 221-900-0

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