Looking for That Special Someone and Match.com has failed to produce? Try Adventure Dating :: Colorado
River Runners Adventure Dating is a new craze hitting the adventurous lovelorn in Colorado. Adventure Dating is a fun, unique and exciting way to make a love connection. They say that participating in adrenaline sports with your potential mate can often times strengthen the bond between one another, heightening a new perspective on someone you thought perhaps incompatible at first. Dunno about that, but at least it’s better than making awkward conversation over a latte. And even if the date is a bust, you’ll still get your heart pumping paddling through the whitewater rapids while enjoying breathtaking views of the Rockies.
River Runners, one of the most respected whitewater adventure companies in Colorado, will host Adventure Dates every Sunday throughout the season. Daters can experience a full day of professionally guided, adventure rafting down the Browns Canyon, complete with a catered riverside lunch. If sparks flair, with discounted tickets, daters can venture over to the Royal Gorge Bridge & Park for more thrill-seeking activities or they can turn up the heat and get cozy in the natural hot spring pools at Mt. Princeton Hot Springs Resort, plus then you get to check each other out in the “swimsuit competition”.
This is the best idea ever! Online dating is the norm now (I myself was a member of Match.com) but the dates are always so boring. Now with Adventure dating, even if you do find yourself with a toad, you can still have loads of fun! Let’s get adventure dating to Miami!
Hey Megan,
Why don’t you just plan an adventure date in Miami. Just come up with an exciting activity, (maybe parasailing, sky-diving, whatever) call them up and get a special group rate, then have all your girlfriends each bring one platonic male friend, ( and just to ensure a good time will be had by all-make each guy bring a good bottle of wine for sharing after) and see what develops.