Vive Le Blog: France

The French are fanatics for drip coffee, champagne, croissants, chocolate, fine cuisine, sidewalk cafes,… and blogging.

According to a story today by Thomas Crampton in the New York Times, “Les Blogs Herald France’s Newest Inalienable Right,” Comscore reports that 60% of French Internet users visited a blog in May, ahead of Britain with 40% and about a third in the US. In fact, more than 3 million French Internet users — about 12%, have created a blog, per a June study by Mediametrie.

In the article, Crampton quotes Laurent Flores, a French-born but New York-based executive at CRM Metrix, “French blogs stand out in other measurable ways. They are noticeably longer, more critical, more negative, more egocentric and more provacative than their U.S. counterparts… French bloggers never compromise their opinions.”

Read the story.

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