“Yes” or “No” to SRO?: Airline Seating
In an effort to make economy airline seats even more uncomfortable, Airbus is talking about adding standing room only seating to Asian carriers. Yep, you read that right. Luckily, none…
In an effort to make economy airline seats even more uncomfortable, Airbus is talking about adding standing room only seating to Asian carriers. Yep, you read that right. Luckily, none…
Which American Airline: – Was most on-time 27 consecutive months running? – Had the fewest cancellations in 2005? – Had the best baggage handling in 2005? – Had America’s third…
With cell phone use so ubiquitous, there’s almost no place to escape it as you hear phones ring in restaurants, theatres, sports complexes and virtually everywhere else — including airplanes….
My wife always prefers to carry on our luggage when we travel. Now I know why… A new survey by Sita Inc. — a company providing technology solutions for the…
Now, even if you’re not flying, you can have a room with a view — from 30,000 feet — with a FREE download of the cinematic Mac or Windows Holding…
In the past, I’ve read that airlines often look at ways to squeeze out a profit every way possible. For example, switching to smaller peanut bags saved one airline millions…
Our Spring/Summer their Fall/Winter are great times to go Down Under. Qantas will be offering non-stop and non-entertainment service — with personal TV screen on each seat — beginning 3/29/06…
Federal statistics show that 20% of flights are now late. So if you’re picking someone up at your nearby airport, you can avoid excessive waiting time and save parking money…
A story printed today in USA Today — “Airlines change how they herd us aboard” –– offers some fascinating news about all of us who carry on lugguage. United Airlines,…