Suite Luxury Flights :: Eon Airlines

Eos Airlines is a new luxury travel airline that provides single-class premium flights from New York’s JFK to London’s Stansted Airport.

Eos’ planes are the world’s only Boeing 757s that have just 48 ‘suites’ — each houses an award-winning 6’6″ fully-horizontal flatbed and provides 21 square feet of personal space. That’s possibly larger than many studio apartments in Manhattan!

Their motto is “Uncrowded. Uncompromised.” They offer luxury service from your home to your destination, with limo pickup and delivery, pampering at their airport lounges, and much, much more. Next time I fly across the pond, I hope to fly on Eos.

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One Comment

  1. mustaffar bin maarof says:

    dear smart n geouges,

    I would likes to yr kind attention that the services flight on west n america side more advance
    compare with the 3rd countries.Anyway the 3rd countries more lucky due away from the
    sense of the pollution n huge around the rain forest more attractive n fascinating.

    The bissness side must take appropiated action now on due the incoming storm in
    huge amount unexpectation growth fm 5 years times now on.The Aviation the playing
    role part if they now to tackle this problem.The Aviation only more twd in european side
    n america n less focused on asian side.

    I dont go beyond expection n takes the example the chinese olympic n geougious
    presentation to the world n i believed no other countries can bet what the chinese done.
    The Aviation association will take pro active the plan their bissness in asian countries
    n 3rd countries.The amount investment today will had big return in 10 years.This is the
    oppurcinity to among the aviation bissnesman.The sign already shown n up to wise the
    appropiate staff to plan n grape the the chance.

    The plan bissnes only look for short term n awaiting for the disaster .plan yr bisness now,
    otherwise somebody will grape this oppurcinity.


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