Marketing The Luxe Brand: Hilton Hotels + Waldorf-Astoria

For decades, the Waldof-Astoria Hotel was the place to stay in New York City for stars, the nouveau riche and anyone with class. Now, Hilton Hotels Corp. will create a new luxury brand using the name as the “Waldorf-Astoria Collection” to identify the Manhattan property plus three resorts Hilton has acquired the rights to manage.

They include the following — and the names will not be changing:

• The Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa in Phoenix, Arizona;
• The Grand Wailea Resort Hotel & Spa in Maui, Hawaii; and
• The La Quinta Resort & Club in La Quinta, Riverside County, California.

Read the press release.

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  1. I couldnt’ agree more with your point of view…

    While the Hilton brand has been a bit tarnished by the juvenile antics of Paris and Nicky, the Waldorf-Astoria is The Mother Lode of class and luxury.

    Anyone who’s ever seen Liza there (my folks have), had a drink at their bar, stayed there, or even just gawked in the lobby with their jaws hanging open know that the Waldof-Astoria is the epitome of New York’s most honored hotels.

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