Giant Jellyfish Jamming Fishing Nets: Tokyo, Japan

As a scuba diver, most of the hundreds of jellyfish I’ve seen in the world’s oceans are as big as your hand. I’ve seen some in aquariums that are as big as your head. But a Sumo Wrestler-sized jellyfish that can be up to 2 meters (6 feet, 7 inches) in diameter and weigh up to 200 kilograms (440 pounds) is something else entirely.

These Echizen kurage, or Nomura’s jellyfish, have been clogging fishing nets around Japan’s coast since July. Fishermen have had to spend hours hacking them apart before bringing home their reduced catches.

According to a CNN Story: “It’s a terrible problem. They’re like aliens,” Noriyuki Kani of the fisheries federation in Toyama, northwest of Tokyo, told Reuters, prior to a news conference. “If your nets are full of jellyfish, of course there is no space for fish,” he said.

Read the CNN story.

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  1. Thanks for your comment.

    I was astonished to hear about jellyfish that are this large. Unbelievable! But there have been stories lately on the Web and the news about giant squid that can have tentacles 20 feet long — sounds like something right out of Jules Verne’s “20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.”

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