Drag Races: Annual Halloween High Heel Race, Washington, D.C.

Steve Martin wrote a book titled “Cruel Shoes.” But that had nothing to do with the annual rite of watching D.C. area drag queens race down Dupont Circle in the cruelest — but most stylish — of shoes. The 19th annual Halloween High Heel Race. will kick off at 9pm on Tuesday, October 25 and again will attract a variety of cross-dressers, drag dressers and one-night wonder women who will run, trot, sashay, strut, and otherwise race walk down 17th Street NW, between P & R, a few blocks from the bastion of political correctness known as The White House.

In an uptight political town where kids actually have been arrested on the Metro for eating french fries, this race is a testament to the human spirit. In fact, Metro Weekly, Washington, DC’s Gay and Lesbian Magazine, calls it “Racing Against The Rules.”

Sponsored and initiated by JR.’s Bar, the Annual High Heel Race has become one of D.C.’s biggest October events. It’s only a few blocks long and can’t be compared to the 7.8-mile-long costumed running circus that attracts 80,000 people annually to San Francisco’s Bay-To-Breakers Race, but the AHHR winner is graced with a $100 bar tab at JR’s and drag bragging rights for the next year.

For more info: Phone: +1 202 789 7000.

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  1. Is this date the 25 for this year 2007?

  2. please confirm the correct date. Tues does not fall on the 25th of Oct. 2007.

    Thankyou, I would hate to miss this event

  3. I here that the race is on the 30th the year but I can’t seem to find that anywhere on the web.

  4. I recently moved to DC and I am looking for fun Halloween “things”
    to do. This sounds like a blast (I’ll wear my walking shoes though).
    The Tuesday before Halloween falls on the 30th, but there is no
    current info on this years drag race. I’d love an update, and more
    pictures!!!!!!!!!!! Be there or be square. Mary

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