Do You See What I See? Announcing Vagablond’s Extreme Makeover

Drum roll, please… We’re extremely proud to introduce Vagablond’s new design. We feel it’s a better representation of our upscale content, sophisticated collection of global contributors, and our unique position of offering daily articles about luxury travel, superior shopping, vintage wines and delicious foods.

As you can see, it features more color, a cool new logo, larger stories, seven articles to a page vs. ten, the top contributors by stories written, a monthly poll, top tags, and a few ads from our generous sponsors.

We also want to welcome our two most recent authors:
1) Elaine Sipos –- This Canadian turned world citizen has lived and works in Italy, the UK, Singapore and now the Netherlands. She has experienced hard-core backpacking to uber luxury travel throughout over 40 countries.

Some of Elaine’s favourites include China, Tibet, Egypt, Morocco, India, and Cuba — though this list varies depending on its requirement for incredible food, shopping or visual ‘amazingness’.

2) Jamie Rector –– She’s found the perfect balance between the three things she loves to do the most, travel, photography and writing. Her mix of talents and skill carry her to the far reaches of the world and back in order to share what she finds with you. Naturally inquisitive, creative, and adventurous, she has followed her instincts straight into the world of publishing.

She now lives in her native Southern California, has set up shop as a photographer, and has many local, national and international clients, such as The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Getty, Bloomberg, The Washington Post, Pepsi, PacifiCare, T-mobile, Washington Mutual, www.rainydaytraveler, and many more. Though her work includes everything from news photography, corporate advertising, and wedding photography, her favorite lies in travel. Stay posted to see where Jamie takes you next.

So as always, if you have a tip for a hip hotel, have dined in a great restaurant, tasted a wonderful wine, been to an upscale place to shop –– or if you’d like to become one of our growing legion of regular contributors –– please contact us today.

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  1. Wow, the site looks great! It was definitely worth the wait to get it looking like this.

  2. A certain envy evolves when I read all the delightful places to eat and drink and the 2 new young authors. We cannot all be swells and world travellers, however, it was forced on me to go from Johannesburg, South Africa to England and then Bonn Germany – during the hard post war years WWII. I do think Vagablond needs to keep in mind the folk who are on a strict budget, even poor and think of delicacies for them, well, not Glide memorial Church, but whatever? Bloomingdales is posh, but far to expensive for a Senior Foreign Correspondent. In each country I have been in the odd 66 years we saw great wealth next to great poverty, hence how does one combine the three Rich, Middle Of The Road, and poor? Ted Kai

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