A Century of Gourmet Chefs & Relaxed Luxury: Pension Briol, Italy

While I love traveling to big cities with teeming nightlife and culture, a rest in the country is sometimes the cure for what ails you. Briol is that type of destination. It’s been family-owned for more than 100 years and is located in Italy’s Isarco Valley north of Barbiano.

The owner’s grandmother imposed some rules of the house that still stand: never sell the place, never build fences, and always respect the land.

Today, this house offers gourmet chefs, huge windows of surrounding mountains, stately construction of stone and wood, plus luxurious bedding.

For info and reservations, visit the Briol Website, or contact the owners — Johanna & Urban von Klebelsberg, 39040 Barbian-Dreikirchen, Barbiano-Tre Chiese Tel./Fax: 0039 0471 650125.

From our fellow bloggers at CharlesandMarie.com, the Quintessential Lifestyle Navigator.

2 Responses to A Century of Gourmet Chefs & Relaxed Luxury: Pension Briol, Italy

  1. sofia says:

    […]What a great site, it’s informative, great to use and full of relevant stuff. Congratulations on giving guests to and in Italy a really good look at whats on offer. Keep up the great work guys.[…]

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