A Closer, More Ergonomic Look: Swarovski SLCnew Binoculars

Swarovski SLCnew Sometimes sightseeing is so much more than what you can see and capture with your camera. There’s nothing quite like getting that close look at the landscape from a plane, or seeing just how many toes a wild parrot has. For this kind of seeing there’s not much better than the new Swarovski SLCnew binoculars, from Austrian-based Swarovsi Optik.

The redesigned SLC models, available from June this year, give you the same level of image quality and functionality as the previous model SLCs. The major improvements have been in handling and ergonomics. For example, the weight is perfectly balanced, and some models are about 50 grams lighter then their predecessors. If you want to stare at something for hours, however, this won’t make much of a difference. However, Swarovski has an array of accessories for their products, including tripods.

In the United States, not all SLCnew models are yet available. A moderately equipped set will cost you around $1,300. www.swarovskioptik.at

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