You Know Times Have Gotten Bad When Spam Makes the List!
Andrew Freeman & Co. is a top San Francisco consulting agency specializing in hospitality and restaurant marketing. Every year Andrew comes out with his list of hotel & restaurant trends for the coming year. Here are his predictions for which food & drinks will be BIG in 2009.
Hot List: Food
Goat in the Dining Room
Lobster, the Other Red Meat
Specialty Butters
À La Mode: Signature Ice Creams
Meatballs of All Meats
In-House Pickles and Preserves
Ancient Grains as “New” Ingredients
Outsourced Customized Breads
Hot List: Drink
She’s a Ginger
Artisan Sodas, Tonics and Vinegars Oh My!
Absinthe, the Other “Green” Trend
The New Crop of Coffee Shop
Don’t Be Bitters
Wine of One’s Own
Spicy Spiked Drinks
A Spoonful of Agave Helps
For the complete detailed listing