Time Shares With Sails & Jibs: SailTime

fracsailing_ourfleet_hunter33_popup.jpgI own a time share with one of the leading companies and have traded it for fabulous vacations in Florida, California, Colorado and Aruba. To that end but a bit different, SailTime offers fractional ownership on U.S. coasts and overseas of high-end sail boats and guarantees members a minimum of seven sailing times each month.

That means each boat is shared by seven members and one owner member. You can swap your saling times or carry them over to the next month. Like a time share, you can swap out boats to other locations. Unlike a time share, you can also get sailing instructions. Fees run from $435-$625/month for a Hunter 33 — including insurance and maintenance. So if you love to sail, hoist your phone and contact SailTime. [Via http://www.luxist.com/2006/03/14/sailtime/

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