Russian Stolichnaya Elit


A blend of style and mystique is what Stolichnaya Elit offers you. The best quality ingredients make this vodka one of the most desirable brands of alcohols for a decent party. The best quality ingredients used in the making of this vodka adds to its specialty.

The density of the liquid increases mainly due to the time taking process of filtering the spirit at almost sub-zero temperatures finally reaching at -18 C. This vodka is one of the best drinks for setting the pace in a party of family gatherings where one would like to spend some quality time with either their close friends or with their family members.

Stolichnaya is the proud producer of this vodka which is loved and adored by numerous lovers of vodka who savor the smooth and spicy taste of Stolichnaya Elit will surely make you feel like an elite. A collection of this vodka brand will surely earn you admiration from your acquaintences.


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