Peso Little This December: The Sheraton Hacienda del Mar, Los Cabos, Mexico
Sunsets in the desert are an incredible experience. Sunsets if the desert meets the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez are absolutely extraordinary. And the rest of the day ain’t too bad when it costs just $150 during the December Special at The Sheraton Hacienda del Mar in Los Cabos, Mexico. Here, you can discover the magic of this quaint desert town that has a teeming nightlife a few miles away in Cabo San Lucas.
Though it’s hot as Hades here in the spring, summer and fall, winter weather is nearly perfect — usually in the 70s and 80s with mild ocean breezes and spectacular waves.
To take advantage of this December Special, you must book Book this offer before November 6 and enjoy the amazing rate of $150 per night for dates between December 1 and December 21, 2005.
Book it now
Sheraton Hacienda del Mar Resort & Spa
Corredor Turistico KM 10, Lote D
Cabo Del Sol Los Cabos, Baja California SUR 23410 Mexico
Phone (52)(624) 14 58000
Fax (52)(624) 14 5800214-58002