No Frills Eco-Chic Boutique :: Hotel Alt, Montreal

Have you heard about “no-frills chic?” It’s low cost goods and services that add design high quality elements and/or exceptional customer service to create top quality experiences — all at low-end prices. And now, a third element — eco-friendliness — is being added:

One shining example is a new Montreal-based chain, ALT Hotels, that’s due to open later this year. Each locale from Groupe Germain will combine design, atmosphere and chic interiors with great rack rates, and a serious efforts to minimize impact on Earth with geothermal technology (a first in Canada).

How it works: Using the earth’s constant temperature of 10 degrees Celsius (at a depth of about three meters), ALT Montreal will heat and cool the hotel as needed. In addition, the hotel will utilize efficient lighting and heat recovery from water that’s used in its commercial washers.


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