Fourth Annual Shark Fest :: Bahama Islands

I call myself an underwater photographer because I love to scuba dive and have a camera to capture images when I’m diving.

While I’m a novice, at best, my long-time friend and fellow SF native, Ken Howard, is a world-renowned underwater photographer. He recently got back from his annual trek to the Bahamas to dive with Jim Abernathy’s Scuba Adventures to get up close and personal with Oceanic Whitetip Sharks (Jacque Cousteau called them “…the most dangerous of all sharks�?), as well as Lemon Sharks, Tiger Sharks, and lots of other dangerous critters.

See his jaw-dropping photos at Feel free to comment on any of these amazing underwater photos — and realize how hard it is to take a photo like any of these with a moving object — and your heart pounding in your throat.

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