Fantastic Foodie Gift for the Holidays::Catch a Piece of Maine
This just came across my desk and I thought it would make a perfect present for that special foodie in your life.
Catch a Piece of Maine is a brand new venture- not only extremely tasty but most worthwhile. “For your membership where you can own a lobstertrap fished by a real maine lobsterman and recieve all the lobster caught from your trap. You may have your lobsters overnight delivered anywhere in the country, all done online. It’s similar to community supported agriculture, but you get to meet the lobsterman who is catching your lobsters. This brings the consumer as close as possible to the harvester.”
For your investment, you’ll get an exclusive piece of real Maine lobstering—you’ll get to experience the life of real lobstermen, their boats, the excitement of hauling the traps and seeing what you caught… but the without all the hard work! Check
It ain’t cheap ($2,995), but what an opportunity. During each fishing trip, your lobsterman will record the catch from your trap. This data is retrieved when your lobsterman sells his daily catch back at the dock and will be recorded onto an online database. You will receive an online personal lobster account where you can view your trap’s performance updated every Friday afternoon. You will be able to see when your trap was checked, how much it caught, and how many lobster credits you have available for shipping. You are guaranteed at least 40 lobsters from your trap, but most traps average 50 or more.
Plus, Catch a Piece of Maine will donate 10% of the profits to the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI), which will apply these funds to expanding its hands-on marine science program that engages 5th or 6th grade students from every town in Maine.
Check out the site for more details on how this program works and to read more about the Lobstermen-some of which are waaaay cute. Does a membership include any dating privileges?
Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.