FAA Considering Passenger Ban

If you’re not familiar with The Onion, this article from 2002 is a good example of what you’ll read in this online publication. Promoting itself as “America’s Finest News Source,” its tongue is firmly planted in its cheek and is always good for a chuckle or two.

I just returned from my first air trip following the “no liquids/gels/creams” edict and experienced no long lines or heavy inspection of my carry-ons during a round-trip from Seattle to Kalispell, Montana. In fact I had a bottle of water in my pack right before it went through the screening machine and I said, “Gee, I guess I better take that out.” They didn’t even have a container to put any of the banned items in; at least not one that I noticed. So I put the bottle on a shelf underneath the screening table and that was that.

For the latest in what you can and can’t carry on, go to the Federal Aviation Administration’s Website for current information.

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