Die Another Day: Death By Chocolate, Copia, Napa
This weekend, you can gently kill yourself by eating chocolate. More or less.
Death By Chocolate, the Ultimate Chocolate Festival, kicks off this Saturday, February 17, from 10 am to 5 pm at COPIA, the American Center for Wine, Food and The Arts in downtown Napa, California.
While you indulge in wine and chocolate pairings, enjoy a fantastic array of chocolate and confections from some of America’s greatest chocolatiers, and sample dessert demos, you’ll also take part in their Fourth Annual Wine & Chocolate Wine-Around Tasting.
Tickets: $45 genera;/$35 COPIA member. Space is limited.
A: 500 First Street, Napa, CA.
T: 707.259.1600; 1.888.51.COPIA.
See www.copia.org/chocolate for more info.