Email: shawn [at] shawnunderwood dot com
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Bio: Twenty five years of marriage and three teenage children give Shawn much fodder for her writings. Understandably, her family does not appreciate being in her observant cross-hairs and the subject of her material. Her writing is a good weapon to hold over their heads, to discourage future misdeeds.

Shawn enjoys writing about daily events, family adventures, vacations and travel, her three well behaved children and her favorite subject, her husband. She lived in France with her family for a year in 2001-2002 and her misadventures of speaking the language and day-to-day living in a foreign country are legendary. All of her stories are absolutely true with no embellishments, additives or preservatives. It is Shawn’s hope, after reading her stories, that you realize you don’t suffer the misfortunes of your spouse’s or children’s bad behavior on your own.

Shawn is currently working on a humorous memoir of the year that she and her family spent in France. She is a columnist for and a contributor for www.nightsandweekends and