Email: Jamie [at] jamierector [dot] com
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Bio: Jamie Rector has found the perfect balance between the three things she loves to do the most, travel, photography and writing. Her mix of talents and skill carry her to the far reaches of the world and back in order to share what she finds with you. Naturally inquisitive, creative, and adventurous, she has followed her instincts straight into the world of publishing. What good is what you learn if you can’t give it back?
After her schooling in Photojournalism, she began working in newspapers with her debut in North Carolina at the Asheboro Courier Tribune as a regular freelance contributor. Following that was an internship at the Durham Herald Sun. She spent six months at the Charlotte Observer as a contract employee before heading down to Florida for more internships at the Vero Beach Press Journal and the Naples Daily News. Her first full-time position landed her at the Macon Telegraph with a boss she respected immensely and a strong, talented and supportive staff. Though her intention was to stay for a while, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch snatched her up after only six months.
At the St. Louis Post Dispatch, she settled in for a while and got to know her new town and the people that lived there. For three and a half years, she scouted the city for as many exciting things going on as she could find. Toward the end of that time, she was granted a leave of absence for a six-month travel excursion. Though she returned, she knew… soon it would be time to hit the freelance road. She needed traveling to be a part of her life not just a two-week vacation.
When the time came, she headed back home to California, where she grew up. Since her arrival just over five years ago, she has set up shop and has many local, national and international clients, such as The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Getty, Bloomberg, The Washington Post, Pepsi, PacifiCare, T-mobile, Washington Mutual, www.rainydaytraveler, and many more. Though her work includes everything from news photography, corporate advertising, and wedding photography, her favorite lies in travel. Stay posted to see where Jamie takes you next.
To see more about Jamie, visit her website at: The site is expected to have an update in the near future. You can also see some work at