High Res Phone Photos: The Sony Ericsson K750I

From the website Camera Phone Reviews:

Laurie Davis, an Australian photographer, toured Europe in July using a Sony Ericsson K750i and K700i.

The result?

He captured some stunning images, and used his two phones like a diary to create 150 video clips, 1,000 stills and audio clips.

He carried an optional flash unit to get even more incredible shots, then connected using Bluetooth to transfer all to his Mac laptop. Interested? View them here for the K750i — and here for the K700i with solarization experimentation.

Davis said, “The K750i is a veritable Swiss army pocket knife of a mobile phone, incorporating camera, video, voice recorder, FM radio and MP3 player.”

He used all the functions and says that the phone is now his go-everywhere visual and audio diary. He even uses it as a portable photocopier to snap pages from books and magazines when he needs to record them.

The K750i has the facility for sending photos from one phone camera to another and for emailing image files once the multimedia service has been set up.

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